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Elliott Brown Civic pride
31 Oct 2022 - Elliott Brown
Did you know?

The statue of Horatio Nelson at the Bullring

Horatio Nelson visited Birmingham in August 1802. Following his death at the Battle of Trafalgar in October 1805, a statue was made in 1809, and unveiled at the Bull Ring in October 1809. This was the first public statue in the Town of Birmingham (it didn't become a City until 1889). The statue was moved during the 1960s and 2000s redevelopments, but once again faces St Martin's.

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The statue of Horatio Nelson at the Bullring

Horatio Nelson visited Birmingham in August 1802. Following his death at the Battle of Trafalgar in October 1805, a statue was made in 1809, and unveiled at the Bull Ring in October 1809. This was the first public statue in the Town of Birmingham (it didn't become a City until 1889). The statue was moved during the 1960s and 2000s redevelopments, but once again faces St Martin's.

On the 31st August 1802, Horatio Nelson stayed in Birmingham. This was in the years when he was off duty, before he returned to the Royal Navy to help fight the Napoleonic Wars. He stayed at the Styles' Hotel (later Royal Hotel), which was on a site on Temple Row (from the 1960s this was Rackhams, but has been House of Fraser since 2000). Following his death at the Battle of Trafalgar, on board HMS Victory on the 21st October 1805, a statue was erected in his memory at the Bull Ring in 1809. This blue plaque was unveiled by The Birmingham Civic Society on the Trafalgar Bi-Centenary 2005, on the wall of NatWest on Temple Row (the bank closed this branch for good in September 2022).

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Nelson%20Temple%20Row%20(Sept%202009).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />


Four years after the death of Horatio Nelson at Trafalgar onboard HMS Victory (sniper shot from a French gunman). Birmingham became the first place in the world to erect a statue in his memory. £2500 was raised by public subscription, and it was made in 1809 by Sir Richard Westmacott. It was unveiled on the 25th October 1809, on the day that was declared to be the Golden Jubilee of King George III.

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Horatio%20Nelson%20Bullring%20(Apr%202009)%20(1).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />


Painting below on a Japanned Tray by Thoma Hollins, circa 1830-40. Showing a view of the Bull Ring from the High Street in Birmingham, towards the statue of Horatio Nelson and St Martin's Church (as it looked before it was rebuilt later in the century).

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Bull%20Ring%20High%20St%20Nelson%201830%20to%201840.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />1942F83 Japanned Tray - View of the Bull Ring, High Street, Birmingham, 1830-40. By: Thomas Hollins. Birmingham Museums Trust, Public Domain


This drawing is attributed to Thomas Allom, showing The Bull Ring and the Nelson statue in Birmingham in 1845. When the outdoor market used to be around the statue.

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/H%20Nelson%20Bull%20Ring%201820s.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />1940P901. Drawing - The Bull Ring & Nelson Statue, Birmingham, 1845. Attributed to: Thomas Allom (Previously attributed to David Cox). Birmingham Museums Trust, Public Domain


Nelson stands in a uniform with one arm resting on an anchor with the prow of a miniature ship: HMS Victory.

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Horation%20Nelson%20Bullring%20(Aug%202009)%20(2).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

Upon the ship is the Flag Staff Truck of the French ship Orient (1791), flagship of the French fleet sunk at the Battle of the Nile.

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Horation%20Nelson%20Bullring%20(Aug%202009)%20(3).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

The statue was originally erected on the site of the Old Cross, a two storey building, built in 1703 and demolished in 1784. It stood outside of the Market Hall (opened nearby in 1835, roof and interior destroyed during WW2 in 1940, exterior walls demolished in 1963).

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Nelson%20Bull%20Ring%201898.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Public Domain image of the Nelson statue at the Bull Ring, next to the Market Hall with the original plinth, lanterns and cannons, c. 1898. Unknown photographer


It has been Grade II* listed since 25th April 1952.

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Horation%20Nelson%20Bullring%20(Aug%202009)%20(5).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

The statue was moved in 1961 during the first redevelopment of the Bull Ring and a carved plinth, cannon and lanterns were lost. The 2003 redevelopment returned the statue close to it's original location north of St Martin's Church.

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/St%20Martins%20Bring%20(Jul%202021)%20(3).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />

Nelson now again looks over St Martin in the Bullring.

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Horation%20Nelson%20Bullring%20(Aug%202009)%20(7).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

The railings were replaced in 2005 in time for the Trafalgar Bicentenary celebrations which was centred on the statue.

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In 2009 to mark the 200th anniversary of the statue's unveiling, a medal was struck by St Paul's Mint of Birmingham. This floral trail piece in St Martin's Square (below) from the Birmingham City Centre Floral Trail 2009, was based on the medal Matthew Boulton had struck in 1805 after the death of Nelson, and given to all the sailors.

dndimg alt="Trafalgar St Martin's Square" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/St%20Martins%20Square%20Bullring%20Trafalgar%20(August%202009).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

As of 2022, the statue is 213 years old, making it one of the oldest surviving statues to still be on public display in Birmingham. The plinth has gotten a bit weathered since it was restored to the location facing St Martin in the Bullring in the early 2000s.

dndimg alt="Horatio Nelson" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Horatio%20Nelson%20Bullring%2028092022.JPG" style="width: 100%;" />

Photography by Elliott Brown. 19th century images courtesy of the Birmingham Museums Trust.

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Elliott Brown Art; Culture & creativity
12 Oct 2022 - Elliott Brown

The Raging Bull in Centenary Square and Ladywood

The Raging Bull, from the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games opening ceremony was in Centenary Square from 29th July to 23rd September 2022. After that he was moved to a car park in Ladywood at St Vincent Street and Great Tindal Street. There is also a street art mural on Ladywood Middleway on the wall of CostCutter (near Spring Hill Island). That was painted for the Hi Vis Festival.

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The Raging Bull in Centenary Square and Ladywood

The Raging Bull, from the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games opening ceremony was in Centenary Square from 29th July to 23rd September 2022. After that he was moved to a car park in Ladywood at St Vincent Street and Great Tindal Street. There is also a street art mural on Ladywood Middleway on the wall of CostCutter (near Spring Hill Island). That was painted for the Hi Vis Festival.

Gallery of photos taken between July and September 2022, from Elliott Brown and Daniel Sturley. During the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, you could only photograph the Raging Bull from Centenary Square itself, but once the terraces reopened at the Library of Birmingham (in August) you could see him from the Discovery Terrace and Secret Garden. By the 23rd September, the bull had been relocated temporarily to a car park on Great Tindal Street and St Vincent Street. There is also a Birmingham mural with the Raging Bull on Ladywood Middleway (back of CostCutter), not far from Spring Hill Island.


29th July 2022

First day in Centenary Square, the day after the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/reiss.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Reiss Gordon-Henry


From above the Library of Birmingham Amphitheatre.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/IMG_7602b_BULL.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Daniel Sturley


30th July 2022

The first Saturday in Centenary Square.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Raging%20Bull%20B2022%20Centenary%20Sq%2030072022%20(3).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown


31st July 2022

Commonwealth Games volunteers shows visitors where to go.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/IMG_7774b_BULL.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Daniel Sturley


5th August 2022

Early morning view before the tourists showed up.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/IMG_8567b_BULL.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Daniel Sturley


6th August 2022

Super Saturday, the last weekend of the Commonwealth Games.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Crowds%20Raging%20Bull%2006082022%20(2).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown


13th August 2022

View from the Library of Birmingham terraces

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Raging%20Bull%20LoB%2013082022%20(3).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown


14th August 2022

View towards Paradise Birmingham.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/IMG_0094b_BULL.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Daniel Sturley


20th August 2022

The Commonwealth pins was still in Centenary Square at the time.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Raging%20Bull%20CS%2020082022%20(1).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown


View from the Library of Birmingham terraces.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/IMG_0984b_BULL.jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Daniel Sturley


3rd September 2022

First weekend of PoliNations, so they decorated the Raging Bull.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/PoliNations%20RB%20Centenary%20Sq%2003092022%20(7).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown


11th September 2022

The Raging Bull was present for the Proclamation of King Charles III in Centenary Square. This was a couple of days after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/RB%20PCIII%20Centenary%20Sq%2011092022%20(1).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown


16th September 2022

A West Midlands Metro tram enters the bus gate from Paradise Circus into Centenary Square, passing the Raging Bull on it's way to Library Tram Stop. As a pair of National Express West Midlands buses head in the other direction (towards Great Charles Street Queensway).

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/WWM%2031%2043%20LTS%2016092022%20(1).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown


20th September 2022

The Raging Bull is going to miss the Conservative Party Conference 2022, but was present when the marquees went up.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/CPC22%20Centenary%20Sq%2020092022%20(5).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown


24th September 2022

A long walk along Ladywood Middleway from Five Ways to Spring Hill to see this mural of the Raging Bull. It's on the wall of a shop called CostCutter. Painted by George Tattooer' and artist Tokes, for the Hi Vis Festival, which took place in Digbeth at the Tea Works over the weekend of 24th - 25th September 2022.

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Bham%20Raging%20Bull%20Lwood%2024092022%20(2).JPG" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown


The Raging Bull was last seen in a car park in Ladywood near St Vincent Street and Great Tindal Street. The land is next to the Birmingham Canal Navigations Mainline. He is going away for repairs and TLC, and a home indoors (TBC).

dndimg alt="Raging Bull" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Raging%20Bull%20Ladywood%2024092022%20(5).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photography by Elliott Brown

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